
Posted 05-07-2024
Rethink Redefine Resource - Global Day of Parents 2024 forum

Right now, parents are sacrificing more than ever as the ‘cost of living crisis’ creates deeper inequality.

Hear research on inequalities in child welfare (income, postcode, ethnicity, gender). How we might re-think and re-define the budgets and ‘systems’ that impact families? How might we resource parents and families in ways that work today?

Watch the recording here!

Posted 04-07-2024
Parent Advocate Training Evaluation

In July 2023, 14 parents with lived experience of the family support and child protection system began Parent Advocate Training. In October, 10 of those parents graduated from the program! Over 13 weeks, they learnt why the voices of lived experience are so important for improving systems; they learnt how to get involved in systems change and make their voices heard; and they learnt how to participate in systems advocacy in a safe, professional, and effective manner.

The Parent Advocate Training program was co-designed and developed, and co-facilitated, by FIN staff and parents with lived experience of the child protection system. This combination of expertise proved invaluable and was well received by trainee parents.

A 2023 Evaluation of FIN’s Parent Advocate Training Program demonstrates its effectiveness in developing the skills and confidence of parents to effect positive change in their own lives and beyond.

Read the full evaluation here: Parent Advocate Training Evaluation.

Posted 19-12-2023
Parent Voice: Hearing from parents about their experiences of the child protection system – the Charter of Rights for parents

In June 2023, the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) conducted the first ever ‘Parent Voice’

On 13 September 2023 the QFCC briefed FIN on the results of the survey, and it was publicly launched on
21 September – including a co-written media release.

In summary, of the 324 parents and family members who responded to the survey:
- 65% said information and decisions were explained clearly to them
- 55% agreed their personal information was treated respectfully and sensitively
- 53% agreed they were given the best possible opportunities to have contact with their child to
continue forging a positive and healthy relationship
- 53% felt their culture, background and practices were respected, understood and considered
- 47% felt they were treated fairly
- 45% felt recognised and respected
- 45% had a say in the support provided to their family
- 37% said they were able to maintain and strengthen their connections to language, family,
community, Country and culture.

Queensland Family & Child Commission. (2023). (rep.). Parent Voice: Hearing from parents about their experiences of the child protection system – the Charter of Rights for parents (pp. 9–9). Brisbane, QLD.
Queensland Family & Child Commission. (2023). (rep.). Parent Voice: Hearing from parents about their experiences of the child protection system – the Charter of Rights for parents (pp. 9–9). Spring Hill, QLD.

The full report can be read here.

Posted 27-11-2023
Charter of Rights

Charter of Rights for Parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland

This video summaries the Charter of Rights for Parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland. The Charter was developed in a partnership between the Family Inclusion Networks (FIN) of Queensland, the Queensland Parents’ Advisory Committee (the QPAC), and the Department.

Posted 30-10-2023
Residential Care Review 2023 - Submission

On 10 July 2023, the Hon Craig Crawford, MP, Minister for Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services announced a review of the State’s residential care system to be led by the Director General of the Department.

“In Queensland, the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services partners with non-government organisations to provide care arrangements for children and young people in out-of-home care. The residential care system operates in a challenging environment of growing demand, increased complexity of family needs, and pressure across other care service options, such as foster care.” (Queensland Government Get Involved site).

The review seeks to respond to the shared concerns held by the Department, non-government organisations and the community about current care arrangements.

Opportunities for input into the review have included the Queensland government’s “Get Involved” consultation site, discussion forums, ‘workshops and knowledge circles’, site visits, and a roundtable. The aim is to report back by the end of the year.

This paper, collated by FIN Southeast Queensland, delivers the views of 11 parents.

The views and suggestions of these 11 parents are insightful, pragmatic, and empathetic – parents hold a unique place in systemic reviews.

With parents’ views in such minority, it is difficult not to conclude that, despite enormous strides forward in the past five years, “the system” continues to have a bias and a value set that does not acknowledge parents and families as stakeholders in their children’s lives.

Full text: Residential Care Review 2023 Submission

Posted 26-07-2023
Leanne's Gift

FINseq is humbled and honoured to share Leanne's Gift on our website. You can find it here now.

Please note: changes to legislation, policies, and programs are non-stop. As such, these resources are unlikely to remain accurate on every detail. In general, however, they will help. FIN will endeavour to update material when we have capacity. PLEASE send suggested changes to

Parents on a Mission Parents' Guide 2022

This incredible resource shares Leanne's advice, knowledge, and support from over 14 years of lived experience of getting through the child protection system in Queensland. Chapters include:

"My children have been removed"

"Your relationship with the Department"

"Caring for your children"

"Going to court"

"Dealing with family and friends"

"Common vocabulary used throughout your case"

Leanne's Gift digital pack for parents

This resource includes some information (downloads) to support you, from information on domestic violence to a legal aid application form, social assessment, and more.

Leanne's Gift digital pack for kids

This resources includes some information (downloads) to support your children through the process, including information for different age groups.

Posted 26-07-2023
Imagine If - Global Day of Parents 2023

"Imagine if the support families received was practical, adaptable, tailored, safe, and early". This UN Global Day of Parents, Parents talked of "Being seen and heard...Not just being looked at as a statistic or another parent with a child in the system. But as a voice that matters, a voice that is wanting the best for their children and most importantly, know what’s best for our children". This is just one quote from the many parents and workers who came together today to start the "imagining". The hope was strong! We can do this!

Posted 13-04-2023
Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation - Submission

Family Inclusion Network Southeast QLD submission for Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation 2011 (the Regulation).

FIN believes the Regulation should be updated in line with the Human Rights Act 2019 and the principles under the Act. We suggest that the agreement to provide care for a child removed from their parents should also include the parents and family as a party to the agreement, and that their views, wishes, and goals regarding reunification be included as a term of the agreement.

FIN also suggests that the Regulation should reflect information that aligns with the standards of care outlined in the Act. The parents in FIN have provided feedback about how the Regulation, in its current form, impacts their access to information about where their child is living and in whose care they are placed.

FIN was consulted about the sunset review in March 2023.

Full text: Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation 2011 Submission

Posted 12-01-2023
Parents' Views on Child Safety Complaints Process

Over the years, dissatisfaction with the Child Safety complaint process has been a consistent theme when parents have engaged with FIN.

FIN understands that changes to the Child Safety complaints system were introduced in 2020/2021 as a result of the Queensland Ombudsman’s - Management of child safety complaints – second report (March 2020). This report followed an earlier Ombudsman investigation into the then Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services’ management of Child Safety complaints (2016).

The Ombudsman stated, “the department’s complaints management system is crucial to ensuring any clients’ concerns with the actions and decisions of the department in administering Queensland’s child protection system can be raised and rectified appropriately” (2020).

In June 2020, FIN was consulted on intended changes to the complaints system.

Full text: Parents Views on Child Safety Complaints Process