
Posted 12-06-2020
Shared Strength - Global Day of Parents 2020 Virtual Forum
Shared Strength – there has never been more cause to celebrate parents than in 2020” Hear how the shared strength, insight, creativity, and humour of parents is changing practice in Queensland.
  • Jo (Panel Host) – Member, Resound Voices of Experience
  • Sloane – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee
  • Lila – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee
  • Kylie – Executive Director, Child and Family Practice, Department Child Safety, Youth and Women
  • Leah – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee

With a video message from The Hon Di Farmer, MP, Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, with Deidre Mulkerin, Director-General, Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.

Posted 17-04-2020
Parents with child protection experience's response to COVID-19

This paper shares the voices and perspectives of parents with child protection experience during this challenging time responding to COVID-19.

Posted 06-12-2019
Shared Strength: Parents taking their place at the table

After more than ten years of advocacy, the Family Inclusion Network (FIN) South East Queensland has delivered on the Hon. Minister Di Farmer’s desire to hear directly from parents.

The ‘Shared Strength’ document summarises the advocacy journey, and features some parents’ answers to the question “What is the most important feedback about the child protection system that you would like to give?”. Deeper detail, in fact dozens of pages of direct quotes from parents are available in the full transcript of parents voices 2018-19.

‘Shared Strength’ also commemorates the significant commitment - in 2019 - to a permanent Queensland Parent Advisory Committee of parents, the Minister, and Department of Child Safety.

Posted 22-10-2019
Submission on the Rethinking rights and regulation - July 2019

Submission on the Rethinking rights and regulation: towards a stronger framework for protecting children and supporting families discussion paper.

The Family Inclusion Network welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women as part of the reforms made under the Supporting Families Changing Futures initiative.

Posted 01-10-2019
Mom knows best: the new role of parents in children’s social welfare

Can parent advocates change the way we view social services?

David Tobis, Senior Partner - Maestral International

An article detailing the impact of poverty on parents' ability to care for children leading to child removal, the importance of listening to parents in policy change, and the work of parent advocates in New York City, Finland, London and Queensland.

Posted 13-02-2019
Parent Engagement Strategy – 2018-19

In late 2018 and early 2019, Family Inclusion Network (FIN) invited parents to small forums to discuss developing a permanent mechanism to engage with the Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.

This document is the starting point which lead to publishing Shared Strength: Parents taking their place at the table

On 1 June 2018, the Honourable Di Farmer MP, Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women, and Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence made an Australian-first announcement: "We are committed to working with parents in developing the policies for this department..."

Posted 13-12-2018
The Parent Leadership Training Institute Brisbane - Graduates of 2018

The 2018 Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI) graduates book gives an outline of classes completed during the training and celebrates the parent projects presented during the second PLTI program in Brisbane.

Since completing Parent Leadership Training, these parents continue on their leadership journeys and continue to influence change in their families and communities.

Feel free to contact us if you have an interest in any of the projects listed or if you would like to mentor emerging parent leaders in future classes.

Posted 20-11-2018
Positive Powerful Parents - Hand In Hand Parent Meeting Report

This report has been written for DHHS workers, NDIS workers, families, health workers, disability workers, advocates and anyone interested in the rights of parents with an intellectual disability.

"This report shares our stories so that people know what is happening to parents with intellectual disability. It is a true reflection of parents’ lived experiences. We want the community to know that parents with an intellectual disability can be good parents when they have the support they need."

"When parents with intellectual disability come together we help each other and we try to change the way child protection sees us."

Posted 14-08-2018
Family Inclusion Network Brochure

Family Inclusion Network is a network of parents and Brisbane non-government organisations who believe the voices of families matter.

How can you make your voice heard?

We facilitate opportunities for parents and kin to be advocates for children and themselves on issues that affect their lives.

Posted 17-05-2018
The Family Matters Community Resource Guide

The Family Matters Community Resource kits were developed in 2018 by SNAICC – National Voice for Our Children, in close consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, community-controlled organisations and campaign committees in all Australian jurisdictions.

The Resource Guide covers:

  1. What are the problems with the child protection system? What are the solutions we need?
  2. What action can you and your community take?
  3. Pathways through the child protection system
  4. Frequently asked questions
  5. Contact lists