
Posted 28-05-2017
Giving Voice to Vulnerable Families

Summary of effective parental engagement programs conducted by Lori Rubenstein, 2015

The review seeks to define successful participatory processes that may influence service and policy design and lead to improved outcomes for families and children experiencing disadvantage in Brisbane. Exemplars of parental engagement models most relevant to the Giving a Voice to Vulnerable Families project have been outlined through these findings.

Posted 28-05-2017
A Necessary Engagement: An international review of parent and family engagement in child protection

By Mary Ivec, Social Action and Research Centre, 2013

How child protection services engage with parents ultimately affects the outcomes for children in the system, including safety, permanency and wellbeing. This overview documents international and Australian examples of good practice in engagement, support and advocacy for parents who have contact with child protection systems. Report prepared for Anglicare Tasmania.

Posted 28-05-2017
Our Way - A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017 - 2037

"Guided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, Our Way outlines our approach, across 20 years, to work differently together to improve life opportunities for our state’s vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families."

"A key commitment in Supporting Families Changing Futures, Our Way represents a fundamental shift in how child protection, family support and other services work with, and for, Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families." Queensland Government statement.

Posted 28-05-2017
Changing Tracks: An action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017–2019

“Changing Tracks recognises that now is the time that we — government, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, children and families and support services — need to ‘change tracks’ if we are going to reach our generational vision under Our Way: A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017–2037.” Joint message from Family Matters and the Queensland Government

"This action plan sets the foundations for change and will put us on a new track to ensure all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in Queensland grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture."

Posted 21-05-2017
Information Kit on Child Protection for Parents

Information Kit published by South West Brisbane Community Legal Centre in partnership with the Queensland Family and Child Commission

"This kit is intended to provide you with information only. If you have a legal problem, you should seek legal advice from a lawyer. South West Brisbane Community Legal Centre believes that the information provided is accurate as at 1st July 2016."