
Posted 13-04-2023
Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation - Submission

Family Inclusion Network Southeast QLD submission for Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation 2011 (the Regulation).

FIN believes the Regulation should be updated in line with the Human Rights Act 2019 and the principles under the Act. We suggest that the agreement to provide care for a child removed from their parents should also include the parents and family as a party to the agreement, and that their views, wishes, and goals regarding reunification be included as a term of the agreement.

FIN also suggests that the Regulation should reflect information that aligns with the standards of care outlined in the Act. The parents in FIN have provided feedback about how the Regulation, in its current form, impacts their access to information about where their child is living and in whose care they are placed.

FIN was consulted about the sunset review in March 2023.

Full text: Sunset Review of Child Protection Regulation 2011 Submission

Posted 12-01-2023
Parents' Views on Child Safety Complaints Process

Over the years, dissatisfaction with the Child Safety complaint process has been a consistent theme when parents have engaged with FIN.

FIN understands that changes to the Child Safety complaints system were introduced in 2020/2021 as a result of the Queensland Ombudsman’s - Management of child safety complaints – second report (March 2020). This report followed an earlier Ombudsman investigation into the then Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services’ management of Child Safety complaints (2016).

The Ombudsman stated, “the department’s complaints management system is crucial to ensuring any clients’ concerns with the actions and decisions of the department in administering Queensland’s child protection system can be raised and rectified appropriately” (2020).

In June 2020, FIN was consulted on intended changes to the complaints system.

Full text: Parents Views on Child Safety Complaints Process

Posted 08-12-2022
Submission to the Disability Royal Commission

Submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

‘We should not be punished for having a disability.’ Recommendations for reforms to Child Protection, Family Services and Disability Systems from Parents with a Disability

A submission to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) from Family Inclusion Network Australia (FINA) with input from Positive Powerful Parents (PPP) Self Advocacy Group

Dr Kate Fitt

Dr Christina David

RMIT University

December 2022

Full text: Fitt David FINA PPP DRC Report

Posted 14-07-2022
Charting the Course – Global Day of Parents 2022

Families are the fundamental unit of society, and parents are charting the course towards their inclusion and rights in the child protection system.

This forum was held in person at the Queensland Multicultural Centre, and an online recording is available here.

Posted 06-06-2022
Charter of Rights for Parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland

If you are a parent who becomes involved with the Department, you have rights. The Charter of Rights for Parents sets out the rights of parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland. The Charter was developed in a partnership between the Family Inclusion Networks (FIN) of Queensland, the Queensland Parents’ Advisory Committee (the QPAC) and the Department.

Posted 01-07-2021
Green Shoots – Global Day of Parents 2021

Green Shoots – Parents across Australia are growing change in the child protection system. Watch the Global Day of Parents 60 minute panel discussion.

Hear how parents’ lived experiences, tenacity and teamwork have produced green shoots of inclusion within the child protection system.


  • The Hon. Leanne Linard MP, Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs
  • Felicity Kime, Peer Parent, and President and cofounder of FISH (Family Inclusion Strategies in the Hunter)
  • Leanne Claussen, Parent Leader, and CEO, Parents on a Mission
  • Maddie Henaway, Parent Advocate, Family Inclusion Network of South-east Qld
  • Renna Gayde, Family Partner, Family Inclusion Network of WA
  • Sharlene McDonald, Family Partner, Family Inclusion Network of WA
  • Debbie Henderson, Executive Officer, Family Inclusion Network of WA
  • Jessica Cocks, Author, Peer Parent and Family Advocacy in Child Protection, Churchill Fellow 2016,Practice Lead, Life Without Barriers
Posted 10-08-2020
FIN’s comment - on the Child Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020

On 3 August 2020 FIN Southeast Queensland made a Submission to a Queensland Parliamentary Committee - who were looking into yet another Bill proposing changes to the Child Protection Act (1999). It is FIN's hope that a more balanced system will emerge from this proposal.

In summary FIN’s comments are:

  • The Amendment as drafted – which foregrounds adoption – must not proceed. That instead, the strong evidence base that already exists should be used to deliver a broad and flexible range of options – like respite for parents or joint guardianship - to achieve relational, physical, and legal permanency;
  • If amendments are made to the Child Protection Act (1999), let’s instead amend Section 59 so that - if the court was not satisfied the Department had “taken all reasonable efforts to provide support services to the child and family” then it could refuse to make the child protection order;
  • We must ensure parents have a right to legal representation, embed this in the legislation, and expand the Legal Aid funding pool to meet this need;
  • The prescriptive two-year timeframe for ‘permanency’ should serve as a guide only, not be a fixed timeframe;
  • The Act should also be amended so that biological parents are afforded their right to apply to have a Permanent Care Order revoked;
  • It is not okay that the amendments risk the creation of yet further over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in the child protection system, including in out-of-home care; and
  • It is not okay that the amendments do not seek the views of children and young people themselves. This is especially critical in permanent decisions such as adoption.

Read our Submission here.

Posted 12-06-2020
Shared Strength - Global Day of Parents 2020 Virtual Forum
Shared Strength – there has never been more cause to celebrate parents than in 2020” Hear how the shared strength, insight, creativity, and humour of parents is changing practice in Queensland.
  • Jo (Panel Host) – Member, Resound Voices of Experience
  • Sloane – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee
  • Lila – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee
  • Kylie – Executive Director, Child and Family Practice, Department Child Safety, Youth and Women
  • Leah – Member, Queensland Parent Advisory Committee

With a video message from The Hon Di Farmer, MP, Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, with Deidre Mulkerin, Director-General, Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.

Posted 17-04-2020
Parents with child protection experience's response to COVID-19

This paper shares the voices and perspectives of parents with child protection experience during this challenging time responding to COVID-19.

Posted 06-12-2019
Shared Strength: Parents taking their place at the table

After more than ten years of advocacy, the Family Inclusion Network (FIN) South East Queensland has delivered on the Hon. Minister Di Farmer’s desire to hear directly from parents.

The ‘Shared Strength’ document summarises the advocacy journey, and features some parents’ answers to the question “What is the most important feedback about the child protection system that you would like to give?”. Deeper detail, in fact dozens of pages of direct quotes from parents are available in the full transcript of parents voices 2018-19.

‘Shared Strength’ also commemorates the significant commitment - in 2019 - to a permanent Queensland Parent Advisory Committee of parents, the Minister, and Department of Child Safety.